Tuesday, September 16, 2008

What she thought she wanted

Jane and Edward will finally end up togeter...maybe. I predict that their relationship and engagement will be ended very violently. The tree where he proposed the next morning had been hit with lightning, broken into two. This is what will become of their relationship. I wonder if Mason will come back into the pictuer, he has to and I believe he and Grace Poole will have something to do with the termination of Jane and Rochester's engagement. It was interesting that they addressed eathother differently, Edward and Janet. Is her real name even Janet? Lets see...what else. Rochester plays constant games with Jane's head and teases her almost. I hope that if they end their engagement she is not the one getting hurt. The constant reference back to the West Indies makes me think that the West Indies will come into play as far as location goes. Jane's finding of her letter from her aunt of her actual family was predictable but creates plot. In the end I think that Jane will find happiness and will create a family away from Thornfield when she travels to meet her real uncle. I want to think that Jane will stay at Thornfield with Adele but there are still like 250 pages left in the novel and I think that Charlotte Bronte will lead us on an adventure as Jane leaves Thornfield. The proposal toward Jane is brought back into the scene of nature in the garden. The moonlight is brought up again after she cares for Mason and she asks Rochester to turn his face into the moonlight as she looks for honesty in the love he is promising her. Although Jane is a very strong and dependent woman I think that Rochester takes advantage of her vulnerability, he teases her. I do however, believe he really does love her. In chapter 22 Jane dreams of Miss Ingram and I wonder if anything will happen to her. So far in the novel dreams have not represented posstive things and have led to deaths. I wonder how long their engagement will last before an event or time breaks it off.

1 comment:

David Lavender said...

Sorry I'm so far behind in responding to these posts. This is a good one! It's especially fun considering all your speculation in light of events and revelations contained in the subsequent pages we've read!