Monday, September 15, 2008

Chapter 23 *cue drum roll*,

WOW! FINALLY! Chapter 23...I thought it would just be another chapter of Rochester and Jane beating around the bush about how much they obviously love each other...that or some scandalous sex scene...but I was neither of these things, to be sure...but it definitely was a beginning of a beginning! Jane finally said it in a kind of...well, subtle way, but still! When Mr. Rochester tells her that she will be being moved to Ireland when he and Blanche get married, she's heartbroken...she says something along the lines of, "I don't want to go to Ireland...its a dreadful distance...from Thornfield...and from you." Emphasis being on the "you" part of the sentence...
When I read this, I nearly started a victory dance. GO JANE! YOU SAID IT! If I had not been restrained by the confinements of a car, I would have gotten up and bounced around for at least a minute. And if I thought it couldn't possibly get any better, Rochester confesses to his own secret harvest of feelings for Jane. That was like the cherry on top, despite the new wave of questions it brought with it. Questions like, what about Blanche? How's this going to be handled? Will you hide it away as if it is something to be ashamed of or actually announce it proudly? O, so many questions so few answers! I hope the author doesn't just sum it up in one chapter. That would really make me mad.
And, off topic, did anyone else notice the continuous yet subtle sexual innuendos? All these phrases about "erectness" and "ejaculation", of the moon rising to meet the sun, the bright red of the west contrasting with the darkness of the east...I mean, its pretty obvious what was on the author's mind. I hope it comes about soon; I'm dying of suspense!

1 comment:

David Lavender said...

What a fun post! To start with the end--you're absolutely right to pick up on all the sexual innuendo (and don't forget mention of Rochester's "cigar"). Blanche will be dispensed with in the next chapter, but you're right to suspect this is but the "beginning of the beginning"--new twists await, ones that I suspect you will relish as much as you clearly did this chapter. Read on!