Sunday, September 14, 2008

OldSchool Courtship

To my appreciation, Jane Eyre has actually developed a shockingly 'captivating' plot. I'm not sure about this Miss Blanche Ingram, however. What is she trying to achieve with Rochester? It seems that there is sooome attraction to him, but nowhere near love, obviously. Does she want his money? She has plenty of that. Does she want the mansion? If she does she's crazy cuz that mansion only seems to get creepier. Either way, Jane succeeds in making the reader feel neglected by Rochester also, even though we have no special connection with him (other than what we imagine Jane must feel). I can understand how frusterating it must be for Jane, as weird as it sounds, when she sees that Miss Ingram doesn't actually charm Rochester. She quotes, "...when she failed, I saw how she might have succeeded." This is a weird statement, for one would think Jane would be happy that Blanche fails to capture Rochester's ol' ticker, but at the same time, she knows that love or not, old traditions still hold true. What will Rochester do? Go for plain Jane who is shockingly colorful? Or stick to the OldSchool ways of things and go for the high class marriage to the dull rich chick?

1 comment:

David Lavender said...

I like your idea of "plain Jane" being "shockingly colorful. Is class the issue here? Jane, though she loves Rochester, seems to acknowledge that she is no kind of match for him (what rich person marries his governess instead of a more 'suitable' match like Blanche Ingram.

Glad you're enjoying the plot (even as you seem to appreciate the language). I'm anxious to see what you think of the twists yet to come!