Tuesday, September 16, 2008

Is it true Love?????

Is this true love??? Throughout these past couple chapters I questioned weather the "sexual romance" between Rochester and Jane is FOR REAL! This question appeared when I was reading through the last pages of chapter 23. I thought to myself, well, there love is bullshit. Yes they seem to have the same passion for each other but I personally think that Rochester is planning something big and it includes screwing Jane over.


Keegan Fairfield said...

Very insightful post, Cameron, but we need more details! More thoughts! You should try expanding your thoughts and include more of what you think. Good start though!

CamJohn said...


save the crust said...

great stuff there man! pretty interesting train of thought, you are thinking this book is going to end sad? maybe, i don't know, you should elaborate more on your interesting forshadowing enlightenment.

Maddie Crowell said...

I don't think that it is true love. Something fishy is going on.

Walker said...

SEXUAL ROMANCE!!!!! WTF Mate. It totally is true love. Everyone i've talked to is disagreeing with you. What do you have to back up the fact that it isn't true love. I personally think you are full of shit.

CamJohn said...

Well then. I must say walker that Maddie Crowell and I strongly believe that this love is FALSE!!! Jane is head over heals for some man(Rochester) who is completely abusing his authority and playing around with Jane!!!!!!!

Christian Johnston said...

Cameron, your totally right about this fact! True love is more of a myth than anything in this book. Maddie Crowell...you are absolutely correct!

Emma G. said...

you guys sound like your in an old ladies book club

David Lavender said...

I happen to like old ladies and their book clubs.

Keegan's right, you need to explore this 'train of thought' further. I'm leaning toward the love being sincere, but the impediment to it being real as well. If you were to read even more closely, search for clues to Rochester's behavior (there are tons of them), maybe you wouldn't be as shocked by the events to come. Than again, the chock is part of the fun.