Tuesday, September 16, 2008

Janes Acceptance and Her Mood Following

As everyone should know Rochester proposed to Jane, and Jane could not refuse. Marrying Rochester would not be bad idea for Jane because she been longing for escape. By marrying Rochester she could finally not be thought of as less, and she could have a fufilling life. Bronte always makes it seem as if Jane has been locked behind gates, or left in solitude, for she has no family to go home to. Jane has some education and because of that she is Governess, but still she is looked upon as inferior. Rochester and Jane's commitment would lose Jane the title of inferior, and she would be put into a position of responsibility. I am intrigued to see what is yet to come with the forshadowing of the lightning bolt striking the tree they had just met at and where Rochester had proposed to Jane.

1 comment:

David Lavender said...

I'm way behind in responding to these posts (sorry), and I know we've read quite a bit beyond this point by now. So I'll await your reaction to more recent events and revelations.

Hang onto that idea of "inferiority." It's an important one!