Thursday, September 18, 2008

Reversing to Love.

Though I just got there, I think that it's almost cute that he wanted to know what Jane thought about him so badly that he was willing to do anything. Though it is a little creepy that he decided to cross dress into a gypsie, it still made me sink a little to know that he is so in love with her. I almost wish that she would love him the way that he loved her, but then again it gives the story more to go off of.


Carl Schroedl said...

I agree that its kinda cute. But super creepy over the top. I think he did this because Jane would never tell him up front if he asked her. She would probably question his curiosity and wonder how its relevant because he has Ms. Ingram.

David Lavender said...

I, on the other hand, am glad that you at least acknowledge the sincerity of Rochester's love. As I said in a comment to Carl's post, he may be bumbling and clueless (like most guys), but isn't his heart in the right place?