Monday, September 15, 2008


Ah yes, the latest evil induction of the creeper, Grace Poole. What the frudge is up with her? A poltergiest to the Thornfield mansion? A pyromaniac with no limits? A downright freaky creature of Charlotte Bronte's Gothic Novel upbringing? Surely only a person who is not quite right in the head would actually WANT to suck the blood of another human being. What we cannot fathom is her vampiric traits right alongside her dogish snarling and gnashing about. Werewolf? Vampire? Werepire? I don't know, it just all seems a little tricky. I get the sense that even though she ripped through Mr. Mason's shoulder with her teeth and attempted to drain her heart, Mason once had feelings for the soft and temperate character she may have once had. I have this weird inkling that whatever 'error' Rochester committed in some foreign land has effected him through the not-so-wonderful-presence of Grace. He hasn't killed anyone, or so he has claimed, but... I think whatever he did may have lead to another persons death. I think he takes pity on Grace, because he is somehow responsible for her crazed and messed-up person. As Mason is parting, he asks for Rochester to take care of her. Elusive as this is, I think he is still referring to Grace. And of course, the great things Graces' tragedies bring about in the love affair of Rochester and Jane. AWWW. & swoon! I cannot think of a better line than after Masons scream and Rochester calms the house and comes for Jane an hour later. "Are you awake?" -of course she is- "I want you;" Of course, nothing sexual involved..... BUT STILL!!!!
haha. I am a fool.
I must go write about other things in another post that you shouldn't read until later.


David Lavender said...

I love all the speculation here (all of which is presented in delightful prose!). However, and I hate to tell you this, but you may be wrong, wrong, wrong on all counts. Read on! I don't think you'll be disappointed, even as you find that Bronte may have thrown you off track a bit.

Lexi said...

LAVENDER! Don't give anything away!

Anna Morgans said...

hehehehe a werepire. That just, like, made my day. Like I always say, nothing like a few fangs and a little bit of animal magnitism to get the party started!