Tuesday, September 16, 2008

WTF Mate!

What is up with Grace Poole. I know we've heard this tons, but I'm just going to say it again. I don't understand what's up with her. Why does she only appear at certain times and then dissapear for long intervals? It pisses me off. It's the same with Adele. When we first met her, I figured she was going to be a key character throughout the book. However, we only see her in bits and pieces. Bronte seems to jump around a lot, just showing glimpses of people. Perhaps this is to keep secrets concealed. If that is the case she does it in a very clunky way which I don't enjoy too much. Not only does she jump around but all of the sudden Jane and Rochester are to be married???? It's way too sudden and can't be sincere. And what was with the moth?? Lavender says that authors do everything for a reason. Once again we see the West Indies but we have no other hints as to what that can relate to. Bronte is just keeping us in the dark. It's starting to drag on and I kinda just want to find out what happens.
Once Jane and Edward have agreed upon marriage, Edward offers Jane jewels, dresses, etc. etc. Jane refuses. This is badass. It clearly shows Bronte's dislike towards the upper class. She intends to have Jane stay plain, perhaps bringing Rochester down to a lower class. Bronte is obviously making a statement about class and caste. Once again she leaves us in the dark though and does not completely reveal her intentions.
Rochester pisses me off.


Anna Morgans said...

Why's Rochester piss you off Walker?

Keegan Fairfield said...

Great post, Walker. Bronte does make a big mistake in that she introduces characters, and then they strangely disappear. I also agree with you that Bronte is making a statement about class and caste. This is very insightful on your part, Walker.

save the crust said...

yeah man. Grace Pool shows some qualities of an insane person. In a psychopath is....
1. someone who opoerates outside of normal behavior. Grace Poole obviously does.....
2. shows shallow emotions. she seems to. so far at least
3. and the third quality. ability to manipulate. we haven't seen much of this yet, but amybe soon.
we'll be able to prove her a psychopath.

Nicole Goldsworthy said...

i totally agree man.
i got so lost as y she keeps popping up. frustrating i know.

Cris Loomis said...

Walker, your words speak to me with the wisp of angels wings, keep writing, this book is full of surprises as is life.

dogs down under said...

I agree with you Walk...I don't like all the loose ends that Bronte is creating. I like some mystery but I am starting to get lost because there are too many mysteries. I bet they will all tie together though, it's just time to do it.

David Lavender said...

Does Rochester's enthusiastic shopping, and Jane's rejection of it, really reflect poorly on the upper class? Or is Bronte trying to emphasize (through Jane's refusal to be treated a la Celine Varenns)go more toward reinforcing the notion that this will be a marriage of equals. Neither--especially not the one endowed with all the cash--will have the upper hand. As for Bronte's quick cuts--maybe you'll understand the method behind her madness soon.