Thursday, September 18, 2008

Kenya ruined it for me!

I'm just kidding but seriously. I was just about to post my confused mental wanderings... But while scrolling through I saw her post. No one ever told me his wife and Grace were two different people. I thought he was married to her. What a shock. I didn't even see that coming. When I first began this book I thought I would be able to just guess the ending. You know same story just different characters. I thought it would be guy meets girl, girl meets guy, some strange hindrance to their falling in love, and then triumph. But that wasn't the case at. Un-socialized freak met a sarcastic insecure guy. Huge hindrance being married to someone else. Then
un-socialized girl almost marries a two timing jerk that wasn't even man enough to divorce his insane wife. But what I wonder is why didn't he just get rid of her. Like Henry VIII just separated from the Catholic Church. I doubt Rochester divorcing her would have that great of repercussions. She is probably crazy enough she might even know she was married. It does make you wonder what will happen to Jane. Will she go crazy. Does Rochester caste some type of hex on all his wives. Jane could be the next one in the Coo-Coo's nest. If I've got the facts wrong it's because I am just replying to my shock of Kenya's post so I may have to correct this in a later post.

1 comment:

David Lavender said...

I'm glad you feel that Bronte has been successful in injecting some twists in the "old" story of 'boy meets girl' (are there really any other stories to tell?), and I'm glad you bring up the issue of divorce. Does Rochester, whom so many of you consider to be a 'creeper', deserve any sympathy for NOT dumping his crazy wife (and for trying to set it up so that she's taken care of?). Does the way he's taken in Adele as a ward (a selfless move, given that he's not even her father), set us up to view his treatment of his wife as something less than dishonorable?