Tuesday, September 16, 2008

Short Thoughts...

Reading some of these blogs has got me thinking...is Rochester seriously going to marry Jane? I mean...she is willing to give her heart and soul to him...just like any woman would give herself to her mate. But is he willing to do the same thing for her? Will he be able to set class aside...money aside, beauty aside, plainness aside, and just see Jane for what she is? I have no doubt that he loves her...but how is he going to go about this? Fairfax has seen them being intimate...well, okay, not really intimate, but...God how confused the poor old woman must be! Is she going to question him? Berate him for kissing a servant when he is supposed to be getting married to Blanche...Fairfax may be sweet and kind, but I think she is held by the old ways: marry who your suited for, not someone below you in any way. Will she tell Blanche? Or (God forbid) Madame Ingram????? How horrible would that be! Cross your fingers, everyone; this is about to get suspenseful!


Amerina! said...

As was Jane,I think Mr. Rochester was also confused by his head and his heart. Although that may be true, I believe that he found Jane's inner beauty, and her passionate nature too enticing to give up. Yes, the women he was going to marry was quite elegant and wealthy, but Jane was a mystery to Mr. Rochester. She was something that he could not necessarily have, due to society. Therefore, Mr. Rochester was intrigued and infauated by her, which grew into a deep and true love.

Anna Morgans said...

Yeah totally. But will he go through with it you think?

Amerina! said...

With the force in which he asks her repeatedly, yes I think he will. Mr. Rochester isn't a forcefully or seemingly needy man. Although, when asking Jane to marry him he asks her as if he can not live without her! This makes me think that Mr. Rochester is so inlove with her, he is desperate for her to be completley his. If he were to be playing another game with her, I would think he would go about asking her to marry him in a more of a sly manner.

Lexi said...

I think Rochester's past is going to come up suddenly to haunt him - or rather, them! I mean....people keep saying the worst is yet to come! AH! I am so scared! What if Rochester turns out to be some evil man? I am so skeptical, thinking of ways that Rochester could betray Jane out of pure spite, but at the same time, so in love with the idea of them being married and loving each other for eternity! Suspenseful! Oh, can you imagine the HATRED Blanche will feel towards Jane? Jealousy is a viper with some deadly venom....

David Lavender said...

I think Rochester's love for Jane is sincere in the end (after all, he claims that "My bride is here...because my equal is here"--Jane wouldn't accept him on any other terms). Perhaps Rochester's bizarre behavior ('cruel', 'creepy', call it what you will) has it's roots not in Jane, or even in his 'character' but in the "capital error" he keeps fretting over.

We'll see.